Rainbow Baby


When you lose a baby you lose a little piece of yourself. People today think of an unborn child as something less but any mother that has lost a child they loved and wanted will tell you different. That is your child and when you lose your child you don’t “just get over it” like so many expect of you. Even when your rainbow baby comes you still feel that pain at the same time you feel the joy of holding your new baby.

Rainbow baby. A baby after a loss.

This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.

This past Mother’s Day I got lucky. I was blessed with my rainbow baby on a sad day. Despite having 4 beautiful children I can’t help but think of the missing children including our last devastating loss half way through the pregnancy. My rainbow baby made the day a whole lot better!

A baby after a loss is such a difficult situation. The whole time you spend wondering will you loose this one too. You fear to announce your blessing knowing that if things do go wrong you will be forced to tell people what happened, you will get people asking how the baby is long after they are gone. That nagging fear doesn’t go away until your rainbow baby is in your arms.The Stork OTC

When my little one arrived safe, sounds and healthy on Mothers day I could not be more relieved. I wanted to shout from the tree tops about my beautiful rainbow baby I wanted so badly. My little miracle made did not erase the pain of the child I lost or any of our other losses in the past put she did give me a reason to smile, celebrate, and find joy again.

Sometimes when you are ready to try again after a loss when your body and mind are ready things don’t work out as you plan. That is where the Stork comes in. Go ahead laugh. I’ll wait… Yes, I know where babies come from I have five and three angels after all. No, We don’t need to have that talk. But, the harsh reality of life is sometimes having a baby is a lot harder than a romantic night with some candles and some uninterrupted time alone together.

The Stork OCT

The reality is for some couples a baby is a lot more work than that. There’s doctors, pills, shots, and crazy expensive bills that can make having a child a near impossibility without taking out a second mortgage. Now there is another option. The Stork OTCThe Stork OTC is an over the counter conception device that helps couples raise the chances of becoming pregnant weather trying for baby number one or to get your rainbow baby it is worth a try.

What is the Stork OTC

The Stork sent us a kit in the Target packaging to check out. While I am not trying for another baby right now.  Mother’s Day was not long ago I do know a WONDERFUL mother that needed help having her last child so I am giving this to her to try. She would love another baby and I think she deserves one too.

the Stork OTC

The Stork OTC is now available at select Target stores nationwide! Target is offering a great deal for you families looking to have  Buy 1 Stork OTC and get a $15 Target gift card. In stores and online. From 6/4 – 6/17 to make this the perfect time to grab one and try for that baby.  

I have some good news for those of you looking to conceive. You can enter this giveaway below for your chance at winning a Stork OTC Twin-Pack to raise your chances of getting pregnant.

Stork OTC Twin-Pack Giveaway

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