Alligator Math

When it comes to teaching concepts like greater or less than, and all of those math signs parents and children can feel lost. If you think back to when you learned about greater and less than odds are you have memories of learning about an alligator. We first did the Alligator A craft our very first week of homeschooling our oldest. *Tears* feels like yesterday. Okay, not really 5 years is a long time when you think about how much has happened and how much the children have grown in both size and number. I never thought I would be turning to this craft for an older child.

Hands on math for fun learning.

When this craft popped up int the May Mother Goose time box I was not surprised. it is such a classic. what I was surprised about was watching my preschooler feed it animal math counters… A bit dark for this site so I swapped them out for tile spacers we use for cheap counters from time to time.

This was the perfect learning opportunity.  I discussed how the alligator wants the bigger pile of counters. Which one is bigger, which one has more, and for my oldest I explained greater and less than.

Mother Goose Time provided me with everything we needed. Green construction paper letter A’s, White paper for teeth, and stickers for eyes though I plan to make a laminated one and superglue on googly eyes for the kids while they sleep… if I can find the super glue… that could be a bad thing.

Now it has been a while since I have given you all a freebie. I just had too and you know it. So here is your own printable set for teaching greater than and less than to your child. Make your own alligator or use the cute one in the set. cut, fold in half, and tape to create this hand on math toy. Then use the foods to build groups bigger, and smaller than the other and have your child help the alligator eat the bigger group of food.  Yep, no alligators eating animal counters in your homeschool, you lucky mom.

Now it has been a while since I have given you all a freebie. I just had too and you know it. So here is your own printable set for teaching greater than and less than to your child. Make your own alligator or use the cute one in the set. cut, fold in half, and tape to create this hand on math toy. Then use the foods to build groups bigger, and smaller than the other and have your child help the alligator eat the bigger group of food.  Yep, no alligators eating animal counters in your homeschool, you lucky mom.

Need help teaching your child about greater and less than? This printable makes it fun.Greater Than, Less Than. Alligator Math Free Printable

Now it has been a while since I have given you all a freebie. I just had too and you know it. So here is your own printable set for teaching greater than and less than to your child. Make your own alligator or use the cute one in the set. cut, fold in half, and tape to create this hand on math toy. Then use the foods to build groups bigger, and smaller than the other and have your child help the alligator eat the bigger group of food.  Yep, no alligators eating animal counters in your homeschool, you lucky mom.

Simple At Home - Making Life Simple Again

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