Elderberry Tea Recipe

Elderberry is one of the most popular immune system boosters. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of elderberry at fighting off the flu and the common cold. One great way to add elderberry to your diet is to make elderberry tea. Like elderflower tea, this uses one of the only two safe-to-ingest parts of the elder plant.

Elderberry tea recipe and the benefits of elderberry tea

Elderberry tea benefits

The elder plant is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that help to fight free radicals and boost the immune system. Unlike the leaves, stems, and roots of the elder plant, the flowers and berries are safe to eat. When using elderberries you do want to ensure they are well cooked to both releases the voluble antioxidants and to prevent intestinal issues that can come from eating raw elderberries. Elder is a great plant for your medicinal garden.

Elderberry tea recipe

Making Elderberry tea is a bit different than making normal tea.

When making a normal cup of herbal tea, you usually steep the leaves for a minute or two in hot water.

When using dried elderberries, you have to let the dried berries simmer for 15 minutes to ensure all of the beneficial properties are extracted fully.

Elderberry tea recipe and the benefits of elderberry tea

Ingredients for simple elderberry tea

1 Tablespoon of Dried Elderberries

8-12 oz of Filtered Water

Raw local honey (Check your local farmers market)

Fresh lemon juice to taste

How to make elderberry tea

  • In a small saucepan, bring 8-12 oz of water and 1 TBS of dried elderberries to a boil.
  • Let simmer on a low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Using a fine mesh filter or tea strainer, drain your tea in a tea mug.
  • Add honey and lemon to taste.
  • Enjoy your cup of goodness.

More Elder Goodies

This Elderflower lemonade recipe is perfect for summertime get-togethers and parties. If you have your own elder plant serve this at your next budget-friendly cookout.

Elderflower tea is a great option for many of the benefits of elderberry while you wait for the berries to be ripe.

Want something a bit more grown-up? Why not make your own Elderflower cordial?

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