Kitchen Cleaning: What Experts Don’t Want You to Know!

Bacteria and germs can gather and spread throughout every room of the house. However, can you tell which area is the most filthy? That’s right, the kitchen!

Cleaning rags and sponges for dishes and coffee makers are just a few of the main culprits in collecting germs. Since you spend many hours in your kitchen touching various surfaces, cooking and preparing food items, it’s crucial to be aware of how to clean your kitchen properly and thoroughly.

In this guide, you’ll discover a variety of ways to maintain a tidy kitchen. Read on to find out a working way to make your kitchen shiny and clean again!

Work Your Way From Top to Bottom

Before beginning any cleaning project, it is important to remember that the best approach is to start at the top and move down. You shouldn’t clean the kitchen floor and then wash the counters, for instance. 

Cleaning the counters first may result in dust and food particles spilling onto the floor you have just cleaned. Similarly, cleaning the range hood after cleaning the counters may cause dust and dirt to settle on recently cleaned counters. 

Furthermore, using protective gloves like vinyl when cleaning the kitchen is essential for maintaining good hygiene and protecting oneself from harmful chemicals and bacteria. It is a simple and effective step toward ensuring a safe kitchen environment. By taking this precaution, people can be more confident that they are protecting themselves and their families from potential harm.

So, don’t make the task even more difficult for yourself and clean smartly.

Don’t Skip the Cabinet Doors

When cleaning the kitchen area, you likely do not think about wiping down the cabinet doors. The truth is, these doors could be soiled with dirt and grease, as well as other particles. To remove the dirt from the cabinet doors, use a dishwasher tab and then dissolve it into hot water.

After that, use a gentle cloth to dip it in the solution and then clean your cabinets. You can also use vacuum cleaners to eliminate the cabinet’s interior where food particles could be accumulated. To make cleaning easier for the next time, make use of non-adhesive drawer liners.

Know What’s Safe For Your Counters

Before you start cleaning your counters, you’ll need to be aware of the safe products to be applied to them. Different countertop materials require different methods of cleaning. For instance, never use bleach on countertops made of quartz or marble.

It is always advisable to find out more about the kind of material your countertops are constructed from and then buy appropriate cleaning supplies. Note that dish soap, along with warm water is likely to be safe for almost every counter. Moreover, we’d also recommend dusting the counters before cleaning them.

Clean the Dishwasher and Its Filter

It’s easy to forget that the dishwasher requires cleaning because it can clean everything inside it. However, from time to time, you’ll have to clean it both from outside and inside. 

The hard water can easily build up in the dishwasher, which can cause it to leave unclean dishes. Note that white vinegar can help get rid of any buildup of hard water.

After you’ve cleaned the dishwasher, make sure to find its filter inside. It’s usually located underneath the lower rack (refer to the user manual if needed). 

Finally, take the filter off and scrub using dish soap and warm water.

Scrub the Cooktop and Oven

The kind of cooktop you use will determine how much cleaning it would require. Electric stoves usually come with elements for the burner that you can remove and clean using oven cleaner. 

On the other hand, a gas stove comes with grates that you can take off. In order to clean them, you can soak them in a mix with dishwashing soap and hot water. Make sure you consult the user manual for correct cleaning guidelines.

For the oven’s inside, you could make a paste of baking soda, water as well as white vinegar. Place the paste on the interior of the oven and let it rest for a night. The next morning, use a clean cloth soaked in hot water to clean the oven’s insides.

Final Words

Cleaning the kitchen and keeping it shiny is not easy. However, with the tips mentioned above, you can ensure a neat and clean cooking space. 
Moreover, many people have the dining table and chairs placed inside the kitchen itself. If your home has a similar kitchen and you’re looking to remove the furniture because it is old, AAA Rousse can offer smooth Furniture removal in St Petersburg.

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