How to Child-Proof Your Rental Property

Welcoming a child into your life brings happiness, excitement, and new responsibilities.  Among these is the critical responsibility of protecting their safety in your rental home. While owning a home allows you more freedom to add child-proofing measures, renting doesn’t…

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From Trash to Treasure: DIY Bottle Upcycling Ideas

The DIY realm brims with inventive methods for converting commonplace items into valuable gems. Bottles stand out as remarkably adaptable in this sphere. With just a sprinkle of creativity, these everyday objects can undergo a metamorphosis, turning into functional and…

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Ten Home Investments That Can Lower Your Bills

In today’s economy, finding ways to reduce household expenses is more crucial than ever. For homeowners, certain investments can lead to significant long-term savings, especially in energy efficiency. This is particularly vital in areas like Pasadena, California, where living costs…

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How To Substitute Shortening For Butter

Let’s face it. I 100% would rather feed my family butter or even things like beef tallow over using refined seed and vegetable oils to feed my family but with the rising cost of butter, I have been increasingly substituting…

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