6 Home Trends That Can Save You Money on Your Energy Bills
We all want to save money during these trying times, and the more ways we can, the better for our households, families, and income management goals. There is a multitude of home trends that you can absolutely trust to help minimize utility bills and reduce that extra stress even just a bit. Let’s jump right into it and tackle those tips.
1. Reduce the Heat Settings on Washers
Whether using a washing machine for laundry or tackling the dishes with the dishwasher, heat and water can substantially increase an energy bill. Still, there are ways you can reduce this by simply lowering the heat settings on this equipment. The higher the heat, the more energy is required. At least with a medium or low heat setting, you’ll get a cleaner wash than you originally would if you only used cold water.
2. Use Insulation as Best You Can
According to This Old House, the top three benefits of whole-attic insulation include improved comfort year-round, lower heating and cooling costs each month, and better air quality. With your whole attic insulated, it also further insulates your home making it less frequently needed for the heater, air conditioner, and even ceiling fans, for that matter.
Natural insulation, like having a fireplace installed, can also greatly minimize heating costs as you can rely on the heat from the fire to warm up your living space and further heat up the rest of the home. With insulation, this guarantees that the heat will fill the house or large living areas.
3. Invest in Certified Energy Saving Products
The primary driver for an increase in the use of dispensable valves is the significant overall growth of sealants and adhesives. Valve insulation sealants are beneficial in preventing pipes from freezing during colder seasons, and the category in North America is expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 4.2 percent from 2021 to 2028. You should also invest in STAR-certified equipment for your home. When STAR-certified heating and cooling equipment are properly installed, they can yield annual energy bill savings of 10-30%.
4. Use Window UV Tint
On the flip side, during summer and warm seasons when your fireplace is off duty, you can use insulation techniques such as installing UV film on your windows to block out excess heat from the sun. Not only will it limit excess heat, but it will also reduce glare casting making it better for you and your family’s eyes.
5. Use LED Lights Instead
Lighting is often used in and outside the home, and regular light bulbs are not built to save energy the way LEDs were consciously made with this in mind. If you can, redo all the lighting in your home, and trust us, it won’t take away from the gorgeous fittings you have in place. LED lights are better for saving electricity because they don’t generate heat like other lights. In the beginning, we spoke of things with heat sources being the energy muncher, and the same applies to lights. Swap all your regular bulbs for LEDs and start saving.
6. Connect for Renewable Energy
Using renewable energy is vital if you want to cut back on the utility bill for energy. Renewable energy includes installing solar to power your boiler, house interior equipment, and appliances. You can choose solar shingles or panels. There are also options to use geothermal heating systems.
If you haven’t made some switches to tackle energy consumption, now’s the perfect time to implement some of these handy tips. Home trends are always better when you can use them to save.