Natural Pest Control Options For Home And Garden

At one point or another, we all deal with pest issues. Whether it be rodents that snuck into our homes through cracks or crevices or aphids attacking our gardens this is just a part of everyday life. The good news is that there are things you can do to make the most of your natural options.  

I for one can not stand bugs or rodents. Both of these are common when you live in a city close to water. From rats to mosquitos we have to have a pest control plan for the best overall results. I’m pretty happy with how well things are with the tricks we use compared to some of or neighbors. If something does get into the house our cats take care of it fast. 

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great natural pest control solution that many people use. Essential oils can be used to repel insects and pests. Many of them have a good scent that can also help freshen up your home. Some essential oils that are particularly effective at repelling pests include lavender,  peppermint, eucalyptus, and citronella.

You can add a few drops of these oils to a spray bottle filled with water and use it to spray around windows, doors, and other areas where pests might enter your home. You can use these as an insect repellents for yourself as well to help prevent mosquitoes and ticks.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is one of my favorite options for the home and garden. DE is made from fossilized remains of diatoms, tiny aquatic animals. It’s a great natural pest control solution because it’s abrasive and can help to dehydrate and kill insects. You can sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your home, or in areas where pests are a problem.

Add to your garden, animal bedding, and other places that commonly have insect problems. You can even use a duster tool to make it easy. This can even be sued directly on larger animals to help with flea infestations. Be sure to wear a mask and gloves when working with diatomaceous earth, as it can be irritating to the lungs and skin.


Vinegar is a great natural pest control solution. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help to repel pests. If you have an ant problem you can use it to clean areas they are coming in to stop them from entering your home. Mopping floors with vinegar is a good way to solve this issue.

You can use vinegar to clean many surfaces around your home or use it to spray around windows, doors, and other areas where pests might enter your home. You can add essential oils that repel insects to help.


Cedarwood is a natural insect repellent. It contains natural oils that can help to repel pests, including moths, ants, and mosquitoes. You can use cedarwood chips in your closet to repel moths or sprinkle cedarwood shavings around the perimeter of your home to repel ants and other pests. Using cedar for your garden beds or mulch is a great way to help with pests in your garden.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is a natural option that’s often used as a pest control solution. It’s a white powder that can be sprinkled around the perimeter of your home, or in areas where pests are a problem. Boric acid is effective at killing a wide range of pests, including ants, cockroaches, and termites. Keep in mind this should be kept out of child reach.


Garlic is a great pest repellent. Garlic contains a natural compound called allicin that can help to repel pests, including mosquitoes and ticks. You can use garlic to make a natural pest control spray by crushing a few cloves and mixing them with water.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural insecticide that’s derived from the neem tree. It’s effective at killing a wide range of pests and is often used in gardens to help protect them from everything from flies to aphids though this can harm pollinators so avoid spraying on plants that are currently in bloom. You can mix this into a bottle of water and spray areas of your home where you are dealing with insects. Test delicate surfaces first.

Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are an effective and non-toxic way to control flying insects like gnats, fruit flies, and whiteflies. They work by attracting the insects to the sticky surface, where they become stuck and die. If you decide to use these for larger pests like rats or mice the best thing you can do is humanly dispatch them after catching them.

To use sticky traps, simply hang them near affected plants or areas. You can also make your own sticky traps using yellow cardstock coated with petroleum jelly or a mixture of sugar and water.

Pest repelling plants

Plant pest-repelling plants around your home. Planting herbs like mint and lemon grass around your home is a great way to put a barrier between your home and unwanted insects.

Lavender is great for growing in large pots next to your front door to make the front of your home look great while repelling unwanted insects. Planting garlic around your garden can help keep rats and mice out of your plants.

Use dried herbs

If you have an issue with pests like mice you can use dried herbs like crushed red pepper flakes, bay leaf, oregano, and mint to repel them from your home. Placing these herbs around areas they have been spotted and around your food storage is a great way to help prevent issues with mice and rats.

This is great for people that live in large cities where rats are a common issue as well as those in a country setting where field mice like to come inside when winter rolls in.


Some pets are great for helping with pest control. Having a cat can help keep rats and mice out of your home. If one does come in our ats quickly and efficiently dispatch them.

Chickens are a simple way to control insects around your home while providing your family with food. We have a neighbor nearby with a nasty bug problem they refuse to fix so I love that our free-ranging chickens can help to control the issue by acting as a barrier between the neighbors and us. 

The best natural defense for your home is to use a combination of methods and tricks to help protect your home from pests. These simple options can help to protect your family from diseases and germs that pests bring into your home, keep them from ruining your garden, and help to reduce your family’s chemical exposure.

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