Tips for play based learning

tips for play-based learning

Play-based learning has been proven to be beneficial to children and their growth. Young children learn best through hands-on experience and observation. One thing I learned over the years as a homeschool mom is that trying to force traditional schooling…

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How To Eat Avocado

How to eat avocado

Avocados are very popular now. While being considered a mental thing this powerful fruit is great for everyone. When we start our kids on solid foods we always start with avocado for its healthy brain-boosting fat. There are many ways…

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Can You Freeze Milk

how to freeze milk

With prices on the rise across the country, many people are looking at ways to save money. One great way to to do this is to take advantage of sales on everyday staples and storing them for when the price…

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How To Make Sure Your Home Is Free From Pests

Having your dream home is one of the most magnificent feelings there is. Just going back to a place you can call your own feels strangely heartwarming, and it’s something you’ll forever take pride in. It’s not an easy venture…

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