5 Fun Ways To Get Your Child Outside And Be Active

Are kids spending too much time indoors? Smartphones are all they’ll pay attention to? We often find it a little confusing, as it’s not like when we were kids and had to make our own fun and activities outdoors. Other than the TV, we didn’t really have electronic games or devices to keep our interests, and if we did – they definitely didn’t fit into our back pockets!
Playing outside is beneficial to every child, as it stretches their imaginations, raises their immune systems, exposes them to Vitamin D, and opens up more opportunities for exercise. If you’re finding your kids are becoming overweight due to lack of outside activity or exercise, this can raise warning alarms for their health. Getting into a schedule of regular exercise and activity is the easiest way to ensure your kids are moving around and you’re getting to spend time with them too.
If you’ve been going spare trying to find ways to get your children out of their rooms and into the sunshine, it might be time to take a different approach. By setting a good example and joining your children outdoors, they’ll want to be involved in any interesting activities you may be doing that might require their little helping hands.
Build a cubby house
Hours can be spent in a cubby house once it’s built. It could be your children’s secret HQ, or perhaps a cottage in the woods whilst playing fairy tales. Even better is getting your kids to help you build them the cubby house of their dreams.
By teaching them little building jobs, such as screwing in bolts or how to properly use a hammer, you’re building your kids up for future success. Being able to do your own home repairs is a great skill to have, and one that everyone should be learning. Teach your children the different names for the tools if they are very young, whilst older children can have more responsibility for helping.
Plant a veggie patch
Gardening is a great family activity and offers a fun and low-stress solution to getting your young ones outside. You can grab a few seeds or ready to plant vegetables at your local supermarket and get the kids to help you plan out a veggie patch area.
Next comes the planting and watering, which is a great opportunity to teach your kids about how food grows, and the important part of the sun and regular watering plays in this. Seeing this first hand and watching their garden grow over time provides education as well as getting outside and active. It’s a true win/win activity. You could even have your kids build a scarecrow to guard the new veggie patch!
Take the dog for a walk

Often an overlooked activity, walking the dog can sometimes seem like a chore rather than a good time. You might often have to do it yourself if your children won’t. Getting your kids to come along with you as you walk the dog teaches them responsibility for their pets, and develops the relationship between them.
Animal and human relationships are very beneficial for children and seniors, teaching them empathy, love, and loyalty.
Or, if your child needs a little persuasion to come along on your daily dog walks, why not coax them into it with a pair of inline skates? Just make sure your dog is well trained so you can keep a firm eye on your faster-than-usual little one!
Paint pictures outside
Kids can’t resist getting messy – it’s one of the best parts of being a kid! Set up a few canvases, large bits of paper or even a white sheet with some poster paint outside, and let the kids have some messy fun. Teach them how to do handprints or footprints with paint, or how to make rainbows, and ensure they’re learning new ways to do things as well. Creativity inspires more creativity, and if it gets them outside and active, it’s worth a little mess. For extra fun, give the kids a hose down once they’re done for the ultimate summertime fun.
Go rock climbing
Rock climbing is a great way to burn calories and help your kids use up excess energy. Local rock climbing venues offer different courses depending on skill level, so you and your children can start easily and move up to harder climbs as you get better. This sport also helps to increase self-esteem and improve muscle tone as your children move into adolescence.
Getting outside and active with your children
Getting your kids outside doesn’t have to be a hard chore, particularly if you are involved in the activity. Children love doing things with you and having you watch them climb, explore and build their way to future success. Take a little time out of your own schedule to get active with them, as a healthy family creates good habits for the future. Before you know it, your kids will be racing you to the door to work on their latest projects!