How to Get a Bead Out of Your Child’s Nose
When your child decides to stick a bead (or another small item) up their nose sometimes panic can set in. How do I get a bead out of my toddler’s nose is something every mom finds himself asking one day. If you have a boy, take it from me, it may be sooner than later.
Rest assured you can get it out. It is rare this situation becomes an emergency. I trip to the ER will often end with the Dr instructing you on a method referred to as the mother’s kiss. For me, this was my only choice as my son refused to allow me anywhere near him with a pair of

What to do when your child sticks a bead up their nose?
For me, this was my only choice as my son refused to allow me anywhere near him with a pair of tweezers and in all likelihood would have never allowed a Dr near him with a pair either resulting in well… a rather traumatized child. Thank goodness for this simple trick to get a bead out of your child’s nose.
How to get a bead out of your child’s nose with the mother’s kiss.
Step 1: Place your mouth over your child’s creating a seal. Think CPR.
Step 2: Use your finger to block the clear nasal passage.
Step 3: Blow strong puffs of air into your child’s mouth.
Step 4: Repeat giving child breaks to breathe between.
If this takes a while have your child help by blowing his nose. You can use saline solution to help lubricate the bead to make this go a bit faster. Once the bead is out, take a bit to talk to your child about why this was not a good idea.
If this method fails to do the trick you will need to call your pediatrician for a few tricks or an appointment. If it happens after hours you may need a trip to the ER for removal.
When to take your child to the emergency room for removal of a bead from the nose?
Skip the DIY and go to the emergency room if.
- The nose shows signs of swelling.
- The nose is bleeding.
- Your child is complaining of pain.
I would love to say I only needed this once. That my son would had never stuck another object up his nose again and none of the other children picked it up. For me, that would be a lie. Have faith I am sure they will grow up and not get themselves into these sticky situations eventually.

I had to dO this to my son for a Lego stuck up his nose. As an important note, never, never, never stick anything up the child’s nose to try to get whatever is stuck. It is much more likely to cause greater damage than it is to help. But “mothers kiss” worked great!
Very good reminder.
Thanks so much for posting this awesome tip. After about 7-8 “mothers kisses” the bead popped out. Thank you again for saving us in urgent care visit!
The Dr’s at the ER taught us this… “after the fact” and yes it was indeed a bead but a FLAT HUGE one that I don’t think we could have gotten out, but this is very good info to have…especially if you have kids like mine!!
I feel like this trick should be taught in school in a first aid class along with a bunch of other useful skills.