EdTechLens Rainforest Journey Review
I was excited to check out Rainforest Journey by EdTechLens with my children for this review. We loved the amazing images when visited the site. Such vivid details you just can’t get from some old text-book. A chance to get a close up look at the wonders of nature.
Rainforest Journey is packed full of vibrant colorful photos that help your child see the rainforest up close.
We decided this was the perfect time to visit the Rainforest Cafe again with the kids. Our 2nd visit in 2 states now. We love learning with field trips for the kids. They remember more of what they learned this way. The Rainforest Cafe lets you enjoy eating a meal smack dab in the middle of the rainforest. Well sorta. The kids LOVED showing what they learned in the Rainforest Journey class and drilling our very kind server.
I honestly dislike the log in process for the students. While it would work great for large classrooms I feel as if it complicates things for me as a parent sharing a device with the kids and having to track multiple accounts with generated names that make well no sense being too hard for my kindergartener to even attempt to learn. Place the username and password where each student can find it easy.
The EdTechLens Rainfrest Journey is a great option for a self paced science class kids can enjoy while you work one on one with another child. I love options that allow me to work with other kids while one or even two are covering independent lessons. Anything that makes my job as a homeschooling work at home mom of 4 makes me happy.
All grades k-5 are pretty much the same (We used k and grade 3 with our kids.) The higher levels have more vocabulary and detail in the work but the videos and such you can have everyone do together making this a really good option for multi-grade level homeschool families. While you will get full access for 1 year to this class you will finish quickly with 34 lessons. If you do once a week you will complete it in half the school year. If like most families you do science a few times a week 2 months or less is quite doable. I can’t wait to see what other classes will be available in the future.
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