Fun Ideas For Halloween At Home
Things are so different for all of us this year. More and more areas are putting out announcements canceling Halloween activities and trick or treating. This is forcing families to stay home and celebrate this creepy fun holiday in a new way. Kids have lost so much that it is heartbreaking to see them have to celebrate Halloween at home.
Thanks to our jobs and such we haven’t gone trick or treating since our oldest was four. This has given us a lot of time to perfect having fun during Halloween without leaving home while we wait for whichever parent is working that night to get home. Alternitve ways to celebrate Halloween are our kind of thing.

Keep other Halloween traditions.
Some traditions can still be done from home. Giving your child a sense of normalcy with things you can control is a great way to help them cope.
Get dressed up. Just because you are not going trick-or-treating does not mean you have to skip this fun part of Halloween. This is a great chance to challenge your child to come up with their own costumes or to take the time to build a dress-up box for your child. The local Dollar Store is packed with fun accessories you can use to build your own dress-up collection for cheap.
Carving or painting pumpkins is a great way to have fun with your kids as you prepare for Halloween. If you already carve pumpkins look for some this year to keep the tradition alive. For our family, we paint our pumpkins with washable non-toxic paint. On November first we wash them off and cook them to make pumpkin puree for pumpkin pie.
Decorate for Halloween like you normally do. Decorating the house as if you were still planning on handing out candy is a fun way to help keep things feeling normal for your children. Pull everything out and make a day of it. If you do not already decorate why not make some decorations to switch things up a bit?
A Sweet Halloween Treat
This Halloween, in addition to your traditional festivities, adds a unique sweet twist. Spend your evening preparing and enjoy drinking chocolate beverages. These warm, chocolaty delights are not only delicious, but they also add an element of comfort that beautifully contrasts with the spookiness of the holiday. Whether you choose a simple hot cocoa or adorn your drinks with ghoulish garnishes, these treats will become a new Halloween at-home tradition. Pair your chocolate drinks with a scary movie for the ultimate Halloween experience.
Make it a party.
Wether its just the people that live inside your home or a close group of friends you have been around all along throwing a Halloween party is a great way to have fun with your kids this Halloween. If gathering friends and family together consider an outdoor event and using individual treats and drinks to help make it easy to reduce the spread of germs and clean up after your party.
Make is a pizza and movie night. Do you remember classroom pizza parties as a kid? Kids still love this fun and you can do it at home. Order pizza (I suggest scheduling ahead because they ill be busy) and rent a movie for your family. Disney + Has the entire Disney Halloween collection available right now. This is my family’s favorite tradition. We order pizza, watch movies, and eat WAY too much candy. Often with the little ones dressed up in their fanciest dress-up outfits. A tradition our kids look forward to.
Get creative

If Trick -or-treating is a non-negotiable thing for your child and you really want to keep them home why not set up a trick or treat in the backyard? Much like a trunk or treat set up multiple stations with decorations and candy bowls for your child to go around and trick- or- treat.
Set up a field day for your kids with fun outdoor activites makign use of their favorite summer toys to build obsitcal courses, haloween themed hop scotch boards, and spooky halloween crafts and sciance projects to make the day fun and exciting.
Use Halloween to help others.
If going out is not an optionf or you get creative and make the most of the night by brightening it for others. MAny famileis are making tubes to deliver candy while keepign at a distance. Try baking treats to passa round to friends and family or take a cue from Christan groups and turn Halloween into a fun day to do acts of kindenss for others.