How to Buy Used Curriculum
As a large family, we go through a lot of homeschool curriculum. I like to do a few things to save money like choosing textbook programs and PDF workbooks that can be used than more than one child. Sometimes I don’t even bother with curriculum and just have fun with it.
Our kitchen is usually a science lab around here and that’s not talking about the food in the back of the fridge.
Buying used homeschool curriculum allows me to save money that can be put into other places like books, field trips, and supplies to do all the crazy things that make the kids beg to do school time.
Selling used homeschool curriculum helps families afford new programs and I love knowing I am helping other families afford to homeschool. Finding used homeschool curriculum is easier than you think.

Where to find used homeschool curriculum.
When I am looking for used homeschool curriculum I like to start with one of the most popular platforms out there. These days we are all pretty much on Facebook and there are a ton of buy sell trade groups to find used homeschool curricula.
This is where I find the Life of Fred books from time to time helping me cut the cost of building our collection. Often regular homeschool groups will post a buy, sell, trade thread and I love browsing them for deals and ideas.
Amazon is great for finding used textbooks for cheap. When you visit a page for a homeschool textbook click the more options new and used link in the listing to find used options.
Amazon has a textbook trade-in program that many families use to sell used homeschool curricula and this makes Amazon a great place to find used curricula.
I really love I may shop there a bit too often and have a small library in my home but it really brings me joy to surround’ the children with books and my love of learning means I am always looking for new books for all of us to learn from.
My mailman must think I am running a public library from my house with how often he delivers packages clearly labeled as books. They offer teacher discounts, rewards to earn free books, and free shipping on orders $10 or more.
Stop by your local library book sales. We have found some treasures in library book sales in several of the places we have lived. These are hit or miss but when you are looking through the deals anyways you have nothing to lose.

I love finding old textbooks at local resale shops. I once scored a 70-year-old poetry textbook from the local Kansas school district worth nearly $100 at Goodwill for $3. I still read to the children from that book while they run and play in the yard.
eBay is still one of the most popular online used merchandise markets and for good reason. People trust eBay and items sell without much hassle once you learn how to list items.
If you are looking for a particular used homeschool curriculum eBay is almost always worth the time to search.
If you are apart of your local homeschool co-op keep up to date with events they plan to host. Often coops will hold a used curriculum buy, sell, trade event or offer an online forum for this.
These events are a lot of fun and worth taking the time to visit when you are looking to buy used curriculum. You never know what treasures you will find.
Tips for shopping for Used Homeschool Curriculum
When shopping online don’t be afraid to ask questions. You have the right to know:
:: What blemishes does the curriculum have?
:: Has it been written in?
:: Are pages ripped?
:: Are any pieces missing?
:: What will you need to buy to use the program?