Teaching Kids to say Thank You

Teaching children to be thankful

As parents it is our job to teach our children basic decency. To teach them how to communicate efficiently and show respect to others.  One job of ours is to teach them to be thankful not just around thanksgiving but all year long.

It is our place to teach children to say thank you and feel blessed to have what they do because not everyone is as lucky as they are. In a world where please and thank you are all but a thing of the past this important lesson is often over looked.

Set an example

Let your child hear you say thank you to those that help you each day. The cashier, the delivery guy, your spouse. Show them the heart of a thankful spirit. Tell them thank you for the drawings and dandelions.

Play a game to teach children to say thank you

This month Mother Goose Time has the cutest thankful game to give kids a chance to practice being thankful.

  • Create bus stops around the house.
  • Have one child play the bus driver and the rest follow behind as riders.
  • At each stop one child gets off and tells the bus driver thank you.
  • Repeat with a new driver.

Gentle reminders to say thank you

Kids are creatures of habit. With repeated reminders, your children will start to say thank you on their own. Keep reminders short, sweet, and in a cheery voice.

Simple At Home - Making Life Simple Again

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