Affording the Basics for a Large Family by Buying in Bulk
Having a large family often means having a tight budget. All those little blessings have needs and saving money while meeting those needs makes life so much easier. We love to save money by making things ourselves, buying used, and buying clearance to save on kids clothes. Another great way we keep to a budget is buying in bulk. Not only do we not worry about running out we save money by purchasing basics in large quantities. Think cheaper by the dozen.

Is buying bulk worth it for your large family?
Large families go through large quantities of the basics. Produce, meats, and home baking goods can really eat away at the large family budget. It is never fun to run out of things you need like cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and your toddler’s favorite snacks are vital to keeping your family running smoothly. In this case for most large families save money and time by shopping in bulk making life easier.
Sometimes when items are on sale buying bulk is not the best option. When the item you need is on sale it helps to do the math on how much you are paying per piece, ounce, or serving for both the bulk and on sale options. When a sale price beats the bulk cost buy multiple of the discounted item to save more money in the long run. This will often happen with things like cleaning supplies, and staples like sugar and oatmeal.
Getting the most out of your bulk purchases for your large family.
When we hit the local fruit market we always buy whatever they are offering as a case for only a couple of dollars. This fruit does not have a long shelf life because it is close to going bad. To take advantage of those deals we bring the box home, soak in vinegar water, and prepare to use them up quickly. The last score we found was 18 pounds of grapes for $2. about half a coffee cups worth of the grapes were bad but after cleaning our large family was able to use them up in just three days. I worked them into sides for lunches as well as announced to the children that they were available for unlimited snacking.
The last score we found was 18 pounds of grapes for $2. about half a coffee cups worth of the grapes were bad but after cleaning our large family was able to use them up in just three days. I worked them into sides for lunches as well as announced to the children that they were available for unlimited snacking.
By planning to use up the items we buy in bulk we prevent our hard-earned money from going to waste and get the most benefit from buying in bulk. If items can be canned or frozen I make a point of doing this right away to a large portion of our finds for later use.
Store perishables so that they last longer. Canning is a great way to preserve foods for long term storage. A vacuum sealer will keep frozen foods from becoming freezer burnt. A great way to ensure you get your dollars worth if you buy clearance or purchase half a cow or pig to save on meats.
Taking the time to track and rotate your stockpile will help prevent items from going to waste. Often items can be found lost in the back of the pantry past their prime. This can really put a damper on things if you are pulling from your pantry to make a meal for your family. Placing new items in the back and marking expiration dates in large print can make it easy to plan your menu to use up items before they go bad.
Save money on shopping for foods in bulk

When it comes to buying in bulk sometimes you feel like you are not getting the best deal after the cost of memberships, fees, and your options. Taking the time to shop around before choosing a bulk club membership is a great way to save. Often you can find great deals to Sam’s Club and Costco on Groupon. Before buying your membership take the time to go in and see your selection options and compare prices. While this may not be an option if you only have one available most people living near large cities have a choice.
Think outside the club. While wholesale clubs are a great place to save money buying in bulk you can often find deals on staples like sugar and flour at your local Wal-Mart. The local fruit market and farmers market are perfect for finding deals on whole foods to fit your budget. Check and see if your local food service store serves the public. Gordon Food Service allows anyone to walk in and shop in bulk for big savings on things like canned goods in LARGE containers, pasta, and other staples. They have great prices on fun stuff in reusable containers. My sister gets her candy fix and I get containers I can upcycle around the house.