Bird Nest Science Activity
We had so much fun learning about birds. To finish up I really wanted to give the kids a chance to get hands on but well we don’t have any birds that like to be touched so I had to get creative.
I decided building birds nests would be a create activity that would allow the kids to get hands on and get a feel for what birds do.
Ours may not be the most realistic. I have yet to see a bird that can tie and weave everything together but well we needed ones that could hold up to the toddlers exploring after the big kids and I made them.
What you need to build your own bird nest
For this lesson, you don’t need anything fancy fact the whole point is to challenge your child.
:: twigs
:: grass
:: flowers and stems
:: mud
:: feathers
:: even trash like sticks ribbon and twist ties found lying around.
For this one I am not going to give you directions. Nope, that kinda takes the fun out of it. Talk with your child about how birds build nests, use items they find from twigs to trash.
Discuss how the nest needs to be shaped to hold eggs and how to make them strong so they can hold up to the weather.
We really learned to appreciate the privilege of not having to build our homes ourselves from only the things we can find. Learning to weave and wrap them so that they would not fall apart took a bit of trial and error.
This is a project best for the older kids to do and younger to help in and explore. We used these cute bird puppets to put in our nests along with some decorating easter eggs from well Easter to finish out our nests.
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