What Homeschoolers Need from Back-to-School Sales
I am a homeschool mom. I get so excited over the back-to-school sales I often get carried away. My husband laughs because I can not walk out of a store during the sales without school supplies. I wish we did not have a budget to worry about but we do so I have to be careful to get the basics for the year before the fun stuff. Sadly we ran out of a few things this year so I will be adding more of those to my list this year. I love to plan and take advantage of the sales and tax-free weekends to get the most for my money.
School supplies homeschool moms should stock up on sale
The first thing I focus on is basic art supplies. Even so things like crayons, markers, colored pencils, and glue all seem to disappear into the abyss. Though I am sure a large portion just end up being used up on my walls and all over my toddlers. These are the things we run out of first. I may go through a lot of WD40 to get crayon off the walls.
I swear I wonder if my oldest two eat their pencils. They disappear so fast I can’t remember the last time I seen one make it to the small stubs I used to have as a child. I grab extras during the Back-to-school sales and when they can’t find one to do handwriting practice I always have more on hand.
My sister and I buy notebooks by the case during back to school sales. Hers always out last mine but that is normal when you have a handful of kids learning, drawing, and going through so much paper. I love knowing I got a great deal on them when they have become scribbled on every page even over my oldests notes by toddlers. I still cry when we are forced to cut the binding and toss yet another stack of paper into the recycling bin.
Every other paper we use goes on sale this time of year. Printing paper, construction paper, and lined paper all make it onto my list. I do a stock up on these at rock bottom prices so we can use what we need without breaking the bank.
We go through a lot of ink with all of that paper. Any homeschool mom will tell you ink can really kill the budget with all of the great free educational materials you can find online. I keep an eye out for ink during these sales to help cut my costs.
This time of year computers, hard drives, SD cards, and everything else computer related goes on sale. This is great because we can use it to our advantage for both the children and our home businesses. You can never really have too much storage for all of the great digital homeschool resources out there.
I grab the kids backpacks, lunch boxes and other goodies that come in handy for field trips, co-ops, and everything in between during the back-to-school clearance. I get a great deal and the kids get a stock of things they need.
I love that things like maps, globes, and classroom displays go on sale this time of year. I do a stock up on things from the local dollar tree when they bring that fresh stock out. I may have a few US maps stashed way for when the current one has seen the last of it’s days.
During back- to-school I stock up on the simple basic clothes the kids need. While the fun summer stuff is on clearance and school uniform pieces are on sale we benefit from buying the kids new clothes during the back to school sales.
Things like storage bins and bookshelves are at rock bottom prices during back to school and you can’t really beat that to cut the cost of your storage for your home.