Items To Stockpile For SHTF

I was talking with a friend last night that has started to worry about what could be a head. Her and her husband have decided to dive into being more prep[ared and we took some tiem to chat about things she should stock up on.

Today I am sharing a list of things you should consider stocking up on so if something goes wrong you will be able to ride it out.

Reasons to build a stockpile

There are many reasons that you may find that a stockpile of basic items can come in handy. As someone that firmly believes in preparing for the worst and hoping for the best we stockpiled shortly before the pandemic hit our country and rode out the shortages just fine. As the world goes crazy right now being prepared is essential.

Natural disasters: Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, can disrupt the supply chain and make it difficult to access necessary supplies. Having a stock of essential supplies can help you and your family stay safe and comfortable during and after the disaster.

Power outages: Power outages can occur for a variety of reasons, including severe weather, equipment failure, or scheduled maintenance. Having a stock of essential supplies, such as non-perishable food, water, and batteries, can help you stay comfortable and safe during a power outage.

Economic downturns: Economic downturns can lead to job loss, reduced income, and financial hardship. Having a stock of essential supplies can help you save money and stretch your budget during tough times.

Pandemics: Pandemics can disrupt the supply chain and make it difficult to access necessary supplies, including food, water, and medical supplies. Having a stock of essential supplies can help you and your family stay safe and healthy during a pandemic.

Civil unrest: Civil unrest, such as protests or riots, can make it difficult to access necessary supplies and services. Having a stock of essential supplies can help you stay safe and comfortable during times of civil unrest.

Foods you should stockpile

When things go and most families will struggle. the average family only keeps about three days worth of food in their homes so when SHTF they will run out of food fast. By taking the time to build a stock pile you can have some peace of mind.

Canned beans: Canned beans are a good source of protein and can be used in a variety of dishes. They are also affordable and have a long shelf life. If you want to save space you can stock dried beans but keep in mind that these are more work.

Rice: Rice is a staple food in many cultures and is a good source of carbohydrates. It’s also inexpensive and has a long shelf life. I buy rice in the largest bags from sams club a couple of times a year.

Pasta: Pasta is another staple food that is affordable and has a long shelf life. It can be used in a variety of dishes and is a good source of carbohydrates. Stock up hard on this when you find it for $1 or less. It will last for years in kept in a dry dark place and you can use any shaped pasta so cheap elbow noodles that puff up big time are very valuable.

Canned vegetables: Canned vegetables are an affordable and convenient way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. They have a long shelf life and can be used in a variety of dishes.I like to stock the vegetables we like in large numbers when they go on sale even though we would rather have fresh these come in really handy when shelves are empty or the prices of fresh are just too much.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is an affordable and healthy breakfast option that is easy to prepare. It’s also a good source of fiber and can help you feel full longer. I use oats to mix into homemade bread, pancakes, ground beef, and in all kinds of other unexpected places to help make food go further.

Peanut butter: Peanut butter is an affordable and nutritious source of protein and healthy fats. It has a long shelf life and can be used in a variety of dishes including adding flavor to plain oatmeal for an oatmeal cookie-flavored treat.

Canned fruit: Canned fruit is an affordable and convenient way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. It has a long shelf life and can be used to make fun treats, flavor oatmeal, and perk up low blood sugar.

Crackers: Crackers are an affordable and convenient snack option that have a long shelf life. They can be used as a base for dips or spreads, or eaten on their own.

Canned tuna: Canned tuna is an affordable and convenient source of protein. It has a long shelf life and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as sandwiches and salads.

Protein powder: If you are looking for a way to add more protein to your stockpile without spending a lot of money on canned meats the best thing you can do is stock protein powders. Look for one that is fortified with vitamins and minerals as well.

Non-food items you should stockpile

Food isn’t the only thing you should stock up on before SHTF. From water and medical supplies to batteries and cleaning supplies there are a lot of things you don’t think about until you can’t get them when you need them.

Water: In addition to storing water for drinking and cooking, it’s important to have extra water on hand for personal hygiene and cleaning. For this, we fill empty canning jars with water and can them to make them last a long time. Full jars take up just as much space as empty ones.

Medications: Make sure you have a sufficient supply of any necessary prescription medications on hand, as well as over-the-counter medications like pain relievers and cold medicine.

First aid kit: A well-stocked first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic, scissors, tweezers, and other medical supplies. Check out this guide on what you should be adding to your basic first aid kit.

Personal hygiene items: Stock up on soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and other personal hygiene items to help you stay clean and healthy. Keep an extra pack of TP in the cabinet because people will make a run for this staple as they have proven.

Baby supplies: If you have an infant or young child, make sure you have a sufficient supply of diapers, wipes, formula, and other necessary items.

Cleaning supplies: Stock up on cleaning supplies, such as disinfectant wipes, bleach, and garbage bags, to help you maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

Batteries: Make sure you have a supply of batteries for flashlights, radios, and other electronic devices.

Light sources: In addition to flashlights, consider stocking up on candles, matches, and lanterns to provide alternative sources of light. I like to buy the solar lights form dollar tree. In an outage we can out them outside during the day to charge.

Warm blankets and clothing: Make sure you have warm blankets and clothing on hand to help you stay warm during cold weather.

Entertainment items: Stock up on books, board games, and other items to help keep you entertained during times of isolation or boredom. You should consider adding these types of things to your go bag as well. Dollar Tree has some light weight cardboard versions of some popular board games.

Start with these things and then work your way up as you have time. Remmember the more prepared you are the better off you will be and every tiny step is a step towards doing better.

Simple At Home - Making Life Simple Again

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