How To Grow Turmeric
Turmeric is one of the more useful culinary herbs. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an unsurpassed ingredient in cooking, especially when mixed with pepper in a pepper shaker. I often use turmeric as an alternative to artificial dies.
Turmeric is a great addition to a soothing before-bed moon milk. In the same way as ginger, turmeric can be used in Asian dishes and stir-fries or even be made into a soothing hot milky tea with many benefits. For a twist, you can grow tropical black turmeric.
How to grow turmeric roots
In contrast to most other plants, the part of turmeric we use grows as the base of the root called a rhizome. The roots of the turmeric plant are its rhizomes, which are edible and are used in the treatment of various ailments.
If you purchase turmeric roots at the grocery store, be aware that they may be sprayed with chemicals to prevent the rooting. These chemicals are used to prevent potatoes from rooting and growing.
It is likely that you will find turmeric roots at a farmer’s market. Ask the farmer if they have treated the root to stop growth. Turmeric that has health benefits should be organic if you intend to use it for that purpose.
In order to propagate your own turmeric plant from a turmeric root purchased at the store, you will need a small, but plump chunk of at least 1 inch in diameter. It is important to have a fresh and firm root. It is more likely to rot than grow from softened bits since they are not fresh. There should at least be one nubby point on your chunk of turmeric.
The root chunk should be soaked overnight in clean, room-temperature water. As a result, the root will be able to absorb as much water as it needs to start growing. Turmeric roots should be planted with their nubby tips facing upward.
The best place to start your turmeric plant is in a pot with well-draining potting soil that is moist but has plenty of compost and peat moss. As a result, the turmeric root will receive the nutrition it needs and the drainage it needs.
Ensure that the soil is moistened every day. Using a spray bottle filled with clean water, you can evenly moisten the soil without soaking it. It will take approximately six to eight weeks for your spout to appear. To grow your own turmeric plants in your home or garden, which have the freshest turmeric, is well worth the wait.
Keeping your turmeric plant well hydrated and fertilized is essential after it has become established. It is known to be a heavy feeder that needs a lot of fresh water.
If you want to prune turmeric, you should do it between late fall and spring when it is in its dormant state. Thus, with the next growing season, the rhizome will grow new roots and leaves.
How to grow turmeric in a pot
If you live in a cooler area, zone 6 and below, you can grow turmeric in a pot and bring it inside during the winter to keep it protected.
You do not need a grow light to grow turmeric as it will go dormant in the late fall, so you can just bring it inside and place it where it will be out of the way for the winter. It is ideal to keep your potted turmeric plant in your home the basement, attack, or an unused room where the temperatures stay above freezing over the winter will work just fine.
Using an under-the-bed tote as a pot for your turmeric is a great option. Simply slide your filled tote into a fresh one without drainage holes, add the lid, and slide it under your bed for winter storage.
Your pot should have plenty of drainage holes to help keep your turmeric from getting waterlogged and encourage root rot. Turmeric’s roots should be able to grow wide and outward in the pot you choose for its permanent home. As long as you are harvesting enough to keep the plant from outgrowing its pot, this may be the only pot you will ever need.
Growing turmeric in a garden bed
The zones where turmeric can be grown successfully are seven through ten. Adding other plants to turmeric may disturb it, or harvesting turmeric may disturb other perennials. Therefore, you should give turmeric its own space. Before planting turmeric in the ground, add compost and organic matter for it to thrive.
How to harvest turmeric
After it has become well established, turmeric can be harvested at any time. You should follow the 1/3 rule when harvesting your Turmeric and never take more than one-third of the plant in a harvest. By doing this, you ensure that your plant has enough energy left to continue to grow.
Harvest by gently pulling the plant up at its base. Plants and rhizomes will be dug up and removed from the ground. Gently break off how much you need before replanting. If you haven’t put new compost in for a while, now is a great time.
Growing and preserving turmeric from your garden is a great way to benefit from its fresh and dried uses.