How To Water Bath Can Without A Canner

When I first started canning I didn’t exactly have all of the common canning supplies. I simply found a way to make do with what I did have. I grabbed a canning tool set which is not a necessity but makes canning easy and is well cheap. Then I dove right in using a stock pot and an instant pot for water bath canning my homemade jams and jellies.

Hard to believe that was almost 10 years ago and now I have multiple canners and we use home canning as a major form of food preservation for our family.

What is water bath canning

Water bath canning is a popular home canning method used to preserve high-acid foods such as fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and jams. It is a safe and effective way to extend the shelf life of fresh foods by sealing them in jars and preventing spoilage.

Water bath canning is not recommended for meats and low-acid foods though many people that practice rebel canning do can these foods with water bath canning using extremely long processing times to get a similar effect to the pressure canner to great success.

What supplies do you need to water bath can without a canner

Canning jars: Glass jars with two-piece lids are used for canning. Mason jars are the most common type of canning jars, but any jars that are designed for canning will work.

Canning lids: Two-piece lids are used for canning, consisting of a flat metal disc and a metal screw-on band. It’s important to use new lids each time you can as they are designed to form a seal only once.

A large pot: A large pot or canner with a rack inside to hold the jars is required. You can use any large stock pot that your jars fit into. You can make a canning rack to replace the rack that comes with canners by tying some canning rings together or using a dish towel to line the bottom of your pot. You can even buy canning racks to fit your stock pots.

Jar lifter: A jar lifter is a tool that is used to lift hot jars out of the canner. This is important for safety, as the jars can be very hot and heavy.

Canning funnel: A canning funnel makes it easier to fill jars without spilling the contents. Any large funnel or even one made from wax paper will do the job in a pinch.

Bubble remover tool: A tool designed to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped in the jar. You can use a butter knife for this if you do.

Towels or dishcloths: Towels or dishcloths are used to clean up any spills or drips. This is one thing I use my basket of flour sack towels for.

How to water bath can without a canner

Water bath canning is a safe and effective method of preserving high-acid foods, such as fruits and tomatoes, for long-term storage. While a dedicated water bath canner is recommended for this method of canning, it is possible to water bath can without a canner by using a large, deep pot and a few other basic supplies. Here are the steps to water bath can without a canner:

Prepare the food: Wash and prepare the produce as necessary, following a tested and safe recipe for canning. This may involve cooking, blanching, or processing the food in some way to ensure it is properly prepared for canning.

Sterilize the jars: Wash the jars and lids with soap and water, then place them in a large pot of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes to sterilize. Keep the jars in the hot water until ready to use.

Fill the pot: Fill a large, deep pot with enough water to cover the jars by at least 1 inch. Place a rack or a layer of clean towels in the bottom of the pot to prevent the jars from touching the hot surface directly.

Heat the water: Heat the water on high heat until it comes to a rolling boil.

Fill the jars: Using a canning funnel, fill the sterilized jars with the prepared food. Leave about 1/2 inch of headspace at the top of the jars.

Remove air bubbles: Use a bubble remover tool to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped in the jar.

Wipe the jar rims: Use a clean towel or dishcloth to wipe the rims of the jars to remove any spills or drips.

Apply the lids: Using a magnetic wand, remove a sterilized lid from the hot water and place it on the jar. Screw the metal band onto the jar just until it is finger-tight.

Place the jars in the pot: Using a jar lifter, carefully place the filled jars into the pot, making sure they are not touching each other or the sides of the pot. The water level should cover the jars by about 1 inch.

Process the jars: Bring the water back to a rolling boil and process the jars for the amount of time specified in the recipe. Processing times can vary depending on the recipe and the size of the jars. Once the processing time is complete, turn off the heat and let the jars sit in the hot water for a few minutes.

Remove the jars: Using a jar lifter, carefully remove the jars from the pot and place them on a towel or wire rack to cool. Do not disturb the jars until they have cooled completely and the lids have formed a seal.

Once the jars have cooled completely, check the lids to make sure they are concave and firmly sealed. Store the jars in a cool, dark place for up to one year.

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