Tools for Successful Homeschooling
As a homeschool mom I find myself a bit overwhelmed from time to time. Okay A lot. I jumped into this homeschooling thing head first with no idea what I was doing. Heck some days I still wonder if I know what I am doing and I am 5 years into this now. I have on the other hand discovered many great things that make successful homeschooling easier.
A great support system is one of the most important tools you have at your disposal. From friends and family to your local co-op having someone to ask questions and rally at your side when needed. Before diving head first into homeschooling know who is your support team. What will your husband do to help your? Will any one else provide services to your family.
One tool every successful homeschool needs is a great curriculum that fits your child’s needs and learning style. Your curriculum could be unlimited access to the local library, great online classes, or book style curriculum. Even unschooling families have some form of curriculum it is just chosen and used as the child wants/needs rather than the parent.
Weather you like to plan ahead or your more the fill in as you go to record type a nice homeschool planner is a great tool for successful homeschooling. Look for a planner with attendance pages, reading logs, and other tools you feel will make your job easier. A great planner is a tool not a map so don’t be afraid to make changes.
Homeschool moms often share one addiction, school supplies. When school supplies go on sale we turn into kids in a candy store. I like to stock up on everything we need for the year while its all at rock bottom prices. I even grab a bit more than we will need to use for Operation Christmas Child boxes. Guess what the kids get in their stockings? Yes, fresh school supplies I picked up on sale during the back to school shopping.
Build a community. When you begin homeshcooling you may not know many other homeschoolers. Keep your chin up it wont last long. More and more families are pulling their kids out of the system in favor of homeschooling so be open and take a chance on a new friend. Worst case your homeschool is never an island the internet connects us all. Come join us in Family, Faith, and Lots of Grace where many of us are homeschoolers and we would love to have a new friend.
Healthy dose of optimism is a must. As a homeschool mom you will see a bit of craziness and often find yourself overwhelmed. A bit of optimism goes a long way to get you up and going the next morning. Start each day with a bit of prayer and a reminder that no matter how hard the day before was today is a fresh start.
Want a great recourse for tools to help your homeschool thrive?
We are now part of The Schoolhouse Review Crew. Naturally the first Review is a Yearly Membership to everything a homeschool mom could need that I had been eyeing for a long time. You see offers everything you need to homeschool nearly every subject, to stay organized, and to find Joy in the Journey.
I sit here planning our new school year (We go January – to December now) and the tools on make the job so much easier.
I need things that make the year simpler for me right now… Don’t we all? As a work from home mom every bit helps and defiantly helps. I love that offers such a verity and nicely fits them into grade levels so you can find a fit for your child without a lot of extra work. This makes working with multiple kids a snap. No need to hunt down materials for each child sending hours and hours. Just go to the site select a grade and a subject and all of their selections are ready to go.
We have big plans this year with memberships to activities the kids can learn with like The local Zoo, Science Center, and History Museum. Even our planned field trip to the renaissance festival has classes ready to go on
My oldest is addicted to MATH. She has a habit of blowing through math programs… and my curriculum budget pretty quickly. School House Teachers lets her just keep advancing to more and more math every time she finishes and moves on. All with one price per year. can be a bit heavy on your printer but with a little time you can hand write much of the lessons such as spelling lists yourself for a bit of a savings.
We ave been using for Spanish
We are currently enjoying the beginner Spanish course as a family. One living in the area we just moved too we expect will come in handy. Like many of the classes you will find some biblical focus. I love how it helps the children connect the bible to what they are learning. The bible makes a good source for maternal for the children and ourselves.
The languages are taught in video lessons on this is perfect because let’s face it I can remember how to say “how are you” and “thank you” from my two years of Spanish in high school. This really gives me an advantage.
Staying organized with offers many tools for keeping organized.
Apple Core Record Keeping – As homeschool parents we always think about how to keep track of what the kids are doing. How to be sure they are getting enough in. I dread the high school years. full year subscription comes with a full year of AppleCore record keeping!
Planners – Planners are like curriculum. A drug of sorts for homeschool moms. We LOVE our planners. I have bought the Schoolhouse Planner a few years now. I love the Christian resources inside the planners. The year membership comes with the planners…ALL of them. is a Christian based homeschool company offering The Old Schoolhouse Magazine every homeschool family. I love the ethics of this company bringing families together and making giving our kids the best education possible a bit easier each and every day.