5 Tips for a Great Blogging Strategy
Are you hoping to create a profitable blog this year? Strategy is key to success. Without a good strategy, you can start out on a roll and fizzle out FAST! these tips for a great blog Strategy will keep you going to success.
Start your blog strategy with a PLAN
How often do you want to post? 3 times a week is easy to keep up with and can keep the attention of big search engines like Google. Pull out a calendar and start marking ideas that will work for each month. Plan posts around seasons, popular events, and holidays giving you an advantage now.
Schedule posts ahead of time to boost your blog strategy
Install an editorial calendar to your wordpress site. These calendar let you set drafts and see where they are for the year letting you fill in gaps. Go ahead and schedule a few months at a time. Set them as drafts now. You can write them later. Just get them set now so you are ready for success. When you sit down to write go into your calendar and make that post rock.
Step up post graphics
In today’s visual world graphics are vital to a blogs success. Pintrest is the number 1 traffic source for most bloggers and if your posts have no image to pin you miss out on that traffic. A pinnable graphic looks great and encourages people to click through to read what you have to say.
Jump on the freebie band wagon
Offering free printables, ebooks, webinars, really ANYTHING free will drive traffic. People love getting something for nothing and offering freebies will improve your click through rate. Now you really do not have to give these items away for nothing. You can use them to build your email list, receive traffic, and earn money off these new sign ups later.
Start a newsletter and build your email list
Sales are more likely to come from well-planned e-mails than any other source. Building your email list now will help bring readers back over and over as well as boosting sales of products you promote. Your e-mail list are the only followers you have control over. The ONLY list you OWN.