Teaching Kids About Cheating
Parenting can be well hard. Tough topics come up like teaching children honesty? Cheating sadly comes up as a tough subject on our lists at some point or another. I’ll never forget the day I walked in on my oldest doing her little brothers handwriting work.
She really just wanted to help her brother who struggles with his need for perfection when it comes to his handwriting. She had not even thought that it was cheating for him on his schoolwork.
She really just wanted to be helpful. I had to explain how by cheating for him she is depriving him of learning for himself.

What is cheating?
Cheating is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
What does the bible say about cheating?
James 4:17 ESV
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
Proverbs 19:1
Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.
Talk to your child about cheating
As parents, it is our job to help our children learn the basics of good character. To understand the challenges and temptations of life and move past them.
Talk to your child about situations hen cheating is used, Sports, tests, schoolwork, games. Explain to your child how cheating affects the outcome of different things. How cheating affects everyone involved.
If your child cheats on a test no one will know when they need help learning and understanding something. If they cheat at school work they will never learn what the work is meant to teach them. Cheating in a game or sport takes all of the fun out of the game for everyone and is bad sportsmanship.
Video connections for teaching kids about cheating
It’s My Life (PBS) cheating on a test
Teaching kids about cheating with games
Grab a deck of cards and show your child a simple game like war. Play a few rounds so they get the idea. Have fun and get excited. Let them win a few times before you move on. Now grab your cards and flip the deck around a bit by giving yourself person ALL of the high cards.
Explain that this IS cheating. Play a round or two of war this way. What happens? As your child “Was the game fun when I cheated? Why?”
Reading list to teach children about cheating
Junie B. Jones #21: Cheater Pants
Help Me Be Good About Cheating