The Importance of Routines
When you have a baby you hear a lot about routines. As children age they often fade into chaotic days. We become so busy we forget about the most basic of routines. Life happens. Then we wonder why the kids seem stressed, confused, WILD.
What happened when routines went out the window?
When we recently lost our baby a few weeks ago we were forced into a downward spiral of routine-less-ness. Our children became nearly imaginable for my husband who was suddenly left in charge… by himself with 4 kids for longer than a quick trip to the store for milk.
We use routine to help control ADHD in our oldest child. She really struggled the most with the sudden lack of structure. Daddy did things differently and it turned her little world on end.
Routines for adults
Even adults benefit from routines, we get better sleep, and more done with our day then we manage when we let things get out of hand. Routines bring us comfort and peace. Routines are vital habits that keep us going.
Routines in early childhood education
Mother Goose Time puts a lot of focus into building routines for school time. This was the only time my husband was not left to his own devices. The teacher guild lays everything out from morning circle time (weather, dates, and dancing) to end of the day. The teacher guild lays then entire routine and all of the lessons out on a two page spread that made keeping the kids going easy.
Yes he was a bit shy at first but he was so grateful for the help and I felt blessed to have a husband that stepped up to the plate when I needed him most.
Getting into a daily routine
The big challenge is getting everyone back into routine so things can get done each day. After routines fall apart getting back into them can be a challenge. A great way to get into new routines or back to old ones is to create a visual reminder. This free printable allows your to pick the routine you want your children to learn and the order you want them done. Display them for your child and give them a visual reminder of what is next.