Setting up a New Preschool Theme
When we pull out the newest Mother Goose Time box the kids get so excited. It is like Christmas every month when we open the box. This Months theme arrived a bit later than usual so we decided to do set up on November first and wanted to show you the steps we go through to get started with the new theme each month.
Right now the house is running a bit differently as we get the house settled for what I expect to be a rough winter. Last month we studied the weather and to our luck…(read dismay) we got a bit every seasons weather during the month of October. this month we are learning about the Rainforest and I don’t suspect we will see any of that weather around here now winter is here.
We start the new theme by hanging the calendar and getting it set up for the month.
While the kids are adding the numbers to the calendar I take a peek at the gathering list that helps me know what I need to dig out of the attic or order off amazon for the month.
We dig out the Magnets, puzzle, and book to make our literacy bag. While the kids explore that book I dig out books I have gathered from the teacher’s guides and from our personal collection.
We post the poster, shapes, and other circle time items for the theme.
Lastly, I pull out each of the weekly teacher guides to help keep me organized.
With Mother Goose Time that’s it! Everything else is done and ready to go for each exciting day ahead.