Whats in the box?
A new month starts in the morning. I’m not quite sure how that happened. Things have sure been crazy around here. They always are this time of year. Today we spent some time pulling out the new Mother Goose Time from the attic and setting up a new preschool theme. To be completely honest I had forgotten tomorrow was December so here I am finishing wrapping our storybook advent calendar…. Thinking about how the neighbors always question “Whats inside that box?” When the Fed Ex guy delivers boxes with bright yellow school buses printed on them.
So Whats in the box?
That big old box the FedEx Man I like (we have two… sometimes on the same day) that actually rings my bell to be sure I get my packages (there are a lot of them) carries up my old wooden steps with a smile every month is the best thing that ever happened to me. I Have 5 kids. I homeschool. And I DON’T have time to do all of that planning that is needed to make learning fun and exciting… Every… Darn… Day. This yellow School Bus Box Does the work for me.
Inside the Mother Goose Time Box is my sanity. My normalcy during the curve balls life throws at me. When I lost our baby our first year Mother Goose Time made sure I had things I could do to keep the kids busy and learning even when I was bedridden and wondering how I would make it till help arrived at the end of the day.
When work takes over so I can pay the bills and feed little tummies Mother Goose Time is there ready to give me somethign simple to keep the kids busy and happy. To take away my stress and give me a moment to just enjoy my kids. They line everything up so I don’t have to think. Just do. I couldn’t ask for more but…
:: That little school bus box comes with new hands-on manipulatives that help my kids learn and grow every single month.
:: Materials that make it easy to teach my kids to read without all the stress of a formal reading program. Phonics, Easy readers, storybooks with hands-on connections, Participation stories to make reading exciting.
:: Math that one child can do with the little ones on sorting colors, counting, working on shapes, basic numbers, patterns and early math skills. While one older child keeps them busy I can work one on one with the other in the same room.
:: Science and art are integrated into exciting themes that make the kids want to keep going day after day.
:: History and cultures are mixed into nearly every theme and when they are not its a breeze to find ways on my own to mix them in.
In that Box, I have everything I need to survive this crazy job as a homeschool mom. This month we will be taking you on a ride into our daily life as we show you how we use Mother Goose Time to make homeschooling During the Holidays fun and easy.