Simple Tips for Staying Healthy
It is a scary time now as the world faces a major epidemic. The coronavarus COVID-19 is moving closer to home every day. With the rush on essentials like toilet-paper, water, and shelf-stable food more and more people are struggling to find what they need for everyday use. The real question is what can we do to stay healthy?
Much like the flu and other health conditions, our best defense for staying healthy is to take good care of ourselves. These tips will help you do just that.
Get sleep
When we do not get the sleep we need it is very easy to get sick. Busy people with high-stress jobs get sick more easily than those that can relax, take a breath of fresh air5, and get some sleep at the end of the day. Make a point to aim for a least 7 hours of sleep a night to reduce your chances of getting sick.
Eat well
The majority of Americans are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. To help keep yourself healthy start increasing your consumption of fruits and veg9tables each day.
If you do not have the ability to eat a well-balanced diet for any reason you should be taking a quality multivitamin to help replace vital nutrients you may be missing from your diet.
Get exercises.
Our bodies need movement to work at their best. Make a point of movement daily even if it is just a walk around the block. Movement will get your blood pumping and help your body stay healthy.
Wash your hands.
With the rush on hand soaps and hand sanitizers, it comes to no surprise that one of the best ways to protect your self form a virus is to wash your hands. If you find your5self in need of hand sanitizer with none in stock you can make your own hand sanitizer.
Stress can drastically lower the immune system. Taking time for self-care and reducing stress levels can help improve your immune system. Make a point to practice mindfulness daily to help calm and center yourself when stress comes your way.