DIY Ocean Wave Slime
This ocean slime is a lot of fun. The long glitter that my Little Lamb had decided to use looks like the water flowing in waves so we decided to name it ocean wave slime. This was by far my favorite concoction from last year’s slime and playdough day and I am hoping we will churn out some fun stuff this year too.
Ways to use this ocean slime

This ocean wave slime is perfect for a fun activity to keep the kids calm while you work on setting things up or to calm down an overly stimulated child.
You can use this ocean slime as part of your beach sensory play or add a sensory element to your Ocean Unit Study. This would make a great addition to a water pollution unit because you can discuss how the glitter acts in the slime like plastic trash in the ocean. If you go this route consider using bio-degradable glitter and talk to your child about making eco-friendly choices.
Try pairing this with a sandy sensory playdough for a fun homemade sensory bin.
What we did
We made this on our slime and playdough-making day last year where each of the kids got to set up a station and make a fun slime and playdough to play with. We pulled out toys, paints, food dyes, glitter, and the basic ingredients in slime and playdough and just went nuts.
This makes a great group activity or party idea if you are looking for a fun activity to keep everyone busy. We took this activity outside to make sure that the mess didn’t get all over the house.
What you need to make ocean wave slime:
- Clear glue
- Starch
- Food dye
- Glitter
How to make ocean wave slime

Start by mixing together 1 cup of clear school glue with food dye and glitter. SUe as much food dye and glitter as you would like to get the color you are looking for.
Slowly stir in the liquid starch to activate starch. As you mix it the slime will form. If your slime is watery simply add more starch until you reach your desired consistency.
Storing leftover slime
Store your leftover slime in an air-tight container. This can be a plastic Ziploc container or a small food storage container. Every time your children play with this slime more moisture will evaporate shrinking it down.