Aladdin Gift Guide

The new Disney Aladdin movie was a hit in this house. Personally I think Will Smith did an amazing job in the role of Genie. Instead of trying to copy the classic Robin Williams character he made the role his…

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Is There A Wrong Way To Rake Leaves?

raking leaves

The chore of raking has plagued homeowners for centuries, becoming a dreaded task for adults and children alike. For many Americans, the autumns of their childhood were not only filled with trips to the apple orchard and Sunday stews but…

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How To Grow Garlic

how to grow garlic

It’s time to plant that garlic. While garlic is often used as a herb it is, in fact, a vegetable. While I still recommend growing garlic in your medicinal herb garden as a valuable immune booster and antibiotic for your…

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Fashion Tricks For Curvy Women

Fashion is changing fast and more designers are working to make fashion flattering for girls with curves. After the accident this spring and having our youngest baby this summer I have discovered all of the discomforts of having curves I…

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