Spring Homeschool Field Trip Ideas

Field trips are my favorite part of homeschooling. I just love getting out of the house and learning hands on.  We love field trips so much we go on as many as we can. One year we went on over 300 field trips in 3 states. Oh what a fun year that was. My goal is to get us back to that so I have been brainstorming some field trip ideas for this spring in my field trip planner and log.

Spring Homeschool Field Trip Ideas

Field trip ideas for Spring

Botanical gardens are opening as the trees and flower begin to sprout, bloom, and thrive in the warm sun. Check your local botanical gardens website for great free events that are often hosted in the spring to celebrate Earth day and Arbor Day.

The local zoo is “hopping” with activities as spring weather brings animals out of hibernation and flora in habitats come to life. Spring is the perfect time to take a homeschool field trip to the zoo before the summer heat and crowds move in. The zoo can even be a frugal field trip with these tips to save money at the zoo.

Go on a nature hike. Your walking trails have come to life and now is the time to get out and see the returning birds build nests. Animals awakening and getting to work for next winter, and the early stages of plants beginning to grow.

Visit a petting zoo. With spring and Easter here petting Zoos are popping up all over. Check with your local librarian. They always know when things like that are coming around.

Spring is packed with fun things like the rodeo and 4H shows at the local college campus a quick check of their website should pull up fun coming your way.

With spring weather the farmers market opens. The farmers market is a great learning opportunity and you can get some healthy grocery shopping at a great value done at the same time.  Want to take it further? Check local farms to see if anyone has spring you pick produce available for a great farm field trip.

Visit a local historical fort or battleground. These historical sites are great for teaching history hands-on. Sadly these areas are not good winter field trips and draw large crowds in the summer. Spring is the perfect time to visit.

Check your local recycling center to see if they are hosting spring events to celebrate Earth Day. This is a great way to let your children see how recycling is done.

Is the weather really nice? Grab the kids and take a springtime camping trip for an exciting learning experience before the heat rolls in. Camping is the perfect time to work on survival skills like starting fires, reading maps, and foraging while building life-long family memories.

Spring Homeschool Field Trip Ideas

More spring homeschool field trip ideas

  • Arbortraium
  • Fishing at the local pond
  • Hatchery
  • Festivals
  • Fairs


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