What To Do When Stuck AT Home
Tensions are high as things are shutting down left and right. Families are stuck at home and running out of things to do. The truth is most of us do not plan our lives around our time at home and it can be difficult to look at everything and feel frustrated or even imprisoned. If your job was on the chopping block you may be feeling this even more while also finding yourself worried about your financial future. But what do you do when you are stuck at home?
Start a new business while stuck at home
How many times have you told yourself that you would start a business or pick up a side hustle if you have the time? Now you do have the time and you can start your journey. If you are going to be stuck at home why not make the most of it?
- Start a blog
- Sell your crafts
- Make that brilliant idea you have been sitting on come to life.
Freezer cook while stuck eating at home.
Cooking and baking is a great way to pass the time while stuck at home. As your food supply grows your feelings of security will as well. Now is the perfect time to learn how to make your own bread, bake some peanut butter cookies, whip up a huge batch of chili, or start making your own breakfast sandwiches for the freezer. Not only will this kill time but when everything is over with you will have a buffer to help through any financial struggles that remain.
Teach your children life skills
Now is the perfect time to work on teaching your child life skills that are lacking. Have your child join you in the kitchen, teach them how to clean and change tires. Show them how to prepare for emergencies and perform basic first aid.
Get your garden started with your free time while stuck at home.
Now is a great time to start seeds, till thawing garden beds, and start adding in compost. Do your yard work basics, or start your own compost pile. If you are new to gardening this is the perfect time to give it a try as you may never have the opportunity to dive into something new like this again.
Catch up on your reading list
Have a stack of books you are waiting to read? Now is a great time to read them. Need new books while the libraries are closed? Amazon has a huge selection of books and e-books. While shipping has slowed down drastically they are still pretty fast. If you want to save money you can try to find books on your list on Thriftbooks.com —> New members can get 15% off here.
Practice a rusty skill
Play an instrument, knit, or crochet? Often we learn new skills only to find ourselves without time to participate in these activities. Practicing your skills is the best way to keep them. Why not dust off your supplies and dive in?
Workout at home now the gyms are closed.
Yesterday our state and many others closed down all gyms. This doesn’t mean you can’t workout. In fact, with this virus on the rise it is a smart idea to workout and helps keep your family healthy longer. Need a workout idea?
- Walk the dog
- Go for a run
- Enjoy a yoga video
- Try belly dance
- Use bodyweight training
- Give tai chi a try
- Dance around the house
Do your spring cleaning while stuck at home.
Spring is silently slipping in as people’s minds are focused on the coronavirus covid 19. Now is the perfect time to get your spring cleaning done so you can relax more later and kill time now.
Coronavirus day 7: The crazed panic started a week ago. Today did not go as planned. I got half the cleaning on my list done. I did manage to swap containers and move things around to make more room in the kitchen for food.
Restrictions are being place left and right. The military is being mobilized. I fully expect things to get worse in the next few days. The government is talking about a way to help blunt the financial burden.