6 Reasons for the Whole Family to Try Hula Hooping
My sister fell into the hula hoop craze and well I had to join in, after all, I need all the workouts I can get right now. We got the kids some cheap hoops and soon enough we had a pile of hoops and a gaggle of kids laughing and playing and we all had a great time. By late afternoon on our first day, I felt Like I had ran several miles and swam even more. One of those moments you see how out of shape you have gotten. With more research I realized hula hooping is a pretty good way to kill some time for the whole family.
Get stronger and healthier with your hula hoop
Hula hooping can be a full-body workout. For those of us wanting to work the entire body, a hula hoop is a great piece of inexpensive workout equipment. Dance while spinning the hoop on your wrists, use it around your ankle for a fun hopping activity, or try some fun drills.
Ab training is one of the most thought of the benefits of a hula hoop. All of that spinning gives your core a killer workout and it only takes a little bit a day to see a big change.
Need a pick me up? Exercise like hula hooping releases endorphins and gives your mood a boost. Plus well, hula hooping is a lot of fun.
Hand-eye coordination gets a big workout when you pull out the hula hoops. Spending time as a family you can enjoy working on hand-eye coordination tossing it back and forth and catching it in the air.
Gross motor skills are vital for kids and hula hooping takes a lot of gross motor skills building strength and balance. This is great for the entire family because as we age we lose that strength and balance.
Strengthen your back with hula hooping. When you hula hoop you activate the entire core including your back. You improve your posture and balance, helping strengthen your back and even reduce back pain.
I’m glad I saw this on Twitter because it reminded me how awesome a hula hoop is. I too wrote a blog post that incorporated using a hula hoop for Equestrians. Going to start incorporating it with my daily workout. Thanks!